Strong Brain
Healthy Choices

Prevention works if done consistently! Know Your Neuro puts brain-based, social-emotional, and prevention skills training right in the hands of schools and caregivers. Designed to be integrated into a school's health or homeroom curriculum, Know Your Neuro videos and class activities can be easily integrated and tailored to fit the developmental needs of K-12 youth.


Get the parenting tools that will set you and your child up for success!


Find youth-friendly resources to learn how to keep your brain strong!


Utilize brain-based skills training videos and classroom activities for every age group.

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the parent guide

The NeuroWhereAbouts Guide puts at parents' fingertips the developmentally appropriate prevention science they need to set children up for success from elementary school to college. Filled with tools, activities, contracts and scripted talks for 18 high-risk behavior topics, the Guide gives parents the scientific basis for setting healthy boundaries and limits regarding the situations faced by today's youth. 

the children's books

Go on an adventure with Neuro to teach children about their growing brain! Parents, caregivers, teachers and kids will have fun and connect while learning what the brain does and how to keep it strong by growing skills. Each book comes in a developmentally appropriate version for children age 4 to 11 in grades K-2 or G3-5.

The Know Your Neuro series is designed to inspire children to grow executive function skills and protect their developing brain from high-risk behavior. Watch out for new adventures from Neuro!

Neuro Makes Good Choices K2
Neuro Makes Good Choices 35
Neuro Feels Feelings K2
Neuro Feels Feelings 3_5
Book 4 Cover
Version 1.0.0

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Find out who is using and getting trained in teaching the neurodevelopmental effects of high-risk behavior.

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on in prevention

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Prevention programming must be consistent and reach all developmental levels for lasting impact. Learn how to integrate Know Your Neuro's prevention and executive functioning skills into your school's curriculum without worrying about breaking the budget!


Contact Us

If you are a student in search of resources, please contact a trusted adult or view the resources listed on each topic or skills page. If you are interested in having Dr. Collier educate your school, community or parent group, click the link below.

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